When we use one of our Vac-Con trucks to unblock a sewer line, our professional team combines two cleaning techniques: jetting and vacuuming. Jetting is a method that uses a high-pressure water hose attached to a sewer jetting nozzle that washes sludge from the tank. Vacuuming eliminates dirt through a vacuuming system that dumps septic materials into a sludge tank.
When jetting and vacuuming are simultaneously performed, sewage maintenance becomes more productive. Sewer trucks that are capable of jetting and vacuuming make it feasible for one technician to operate the jet and vacuum hose, while the other stands upstream of the manhole to ensure that the hose is moving forward as it should. This individual will also make sure the hose has contact with the end of the manhole.
Our specialized sewer trucks issue water pressure of around 75 gallons per minute into the manhole. This water clears out all the debris such as grease, grime and muck stuck in the tank. The air vacuuming system will then suck all the extricated dregs away and force it into disposal bins.
If both systems are in sync, clearing out sewer systems is more efficient. The advanced sewer pumping gear in our trucks is created to act as vacuum excavators. They can transport underground cables and pipes to the surface and also work for street flushing, chemical, and water-spraying services. Our trucks can even be used as transfer pumps.